Gwanghallu Pavilion (광한루)

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Gwanghallu Pavilion (광한루)

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Rebuilt in 1638 (the 16th year of King Injo), Gwanghallu Pavilion is one of the Joseon dynasty’s most exemplary structures. The pavilion was constructed in 1419 by Hwang Hui, a noted prime minister in the early Joseon dynasty, during his exile to Namwon. The name of the pavilion at that time was Gwangtongnu. In 1434, while the pavilion was undergoing reconstruction, scholar and politician Jeong In-ji called it Gwanghallu after Gwanghancheongheobu, the mythical palace on the moon. Designated as Treasure No. 281, the pavilion is one of four major pavilions known for excellent craftsmanship, along with Yeongnamnu Pavilion (Miryang), Chokseongnu Pavilion (Jinju), and Bubyeoknu (Pyeongyang). Gwanghalluwon Garden, which consists of Gwanghallu Pavilion, a pond, Bangjangjeon Pavilion, and Yeongjugak Pavilion form Historic Site No. 33.
Day off N/A (Open all year round) Opening day
Experience guide Age of use
Hours of use April-October: 08:00-21:00 (18:00-21:00 Free admission)
November-March: 08:00-20:00 (18:00-20:00 Free admission)
Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-63-620-6172
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Parking lot Available When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 1447, Yocheon-ro, Namwon-si, Jeollabuk-do

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Admission Fees:Individuals: Adults 3,000 won / Teenagers 2,000 won / Children 1,500 won
Group: Adults 2,500 won / Teenagers 1,500 won / Children 1,000 won

* Adults (ages 19-64), Teenagers (ages 13-18), Children (ages 7-12)
* Group: 30 people or more
* Free admission: Preschoolers (ages 6 and younger) & senior citizens (ages 65 and older) Parking Fees:* Sedan: 2,000 won (one-day parking) / 30,000 won (monthly parking)
* Mini Bus (15 seats or under): 2,000 won (one-day parking) / 30,000 won (monthly parking)
* Bus (16 seats or more): 4,000 won (one-day parking) / 60,000 won (monthly parking)
* Truck (1 ton or under): 2,000 won (one-day parking) / 30,000 won (monthly parking)
* Truck (over 1 ton): 3,000 won (one-day parking) / 45,000 won (monthly parking)

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